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Portugal VS Switzerland

Portugal and Switzerland lock horns in this 1/8-finals battle at Lusail Iconic Stadium in Lusail early Wednesday morning Beijing time. All the football fans have every reason to expect a high-class and entertaining match! Both teams have the players to play creative, offensive football – if needed – especially in a situation where the opponent has taken the lead. However, despite a pretty high number of goas being scored in the play offs so far we must not be fooled by the results in a few matches that were expected to be somewhat unbalanced to begin with – for example Brazil versus South Korea (4-1). I see the match as more low-scoring the even the largest, usually pretty sharp bookmakers with the biggest betting limits estimate. They have set the number of expected goals at around 2.30 but my number is only 2.02. The long-term data clearly shows us that the goal expectancy in the play offs in international tournaments is lower than in group stages, especially when too pretty balanced, good teams face. I expect the Swiss to be quite cautious here - especially in the first half. The draw would most certainly not surprise anyone here – the probability is 30% and this result would be enough to bring my fans and me yet another winner with the recommended handicap bet on the Swiss. There is, of course, not doubt about the fact the Portugal the favorites here. However, their chance of winning during the 90 minutes of play is only 44%. They have on edge over Switzerland in all areas of the game, but in defense the margin in their favor - if important Nico Elvedi is able to play – is very small. He has been suffering from a flu lately. Portugal have not fully convinced be in the past couple of years. They finished in the second place in the qualification group behind Serbia and earned a ticket to Qatar beating Turkey and North Macedonia - not very good teams - in the extra rounds of qualifying. Serbia won the group with 20 points – Portugal were second with 17 points to their account. Interestingly. Switzerland beat Serbia last week 3-2 and were clearly the better team! Serbia were pretty strong in the first half but the Swiss took an early lead in the second half and controlled the events on the pitch in a brilliant way until the final whistle. I was very impressed by them! They shut down the Serbs offense in a masterful way and did not give them a true chance to level the score – not to mention win the game! The Swiss recorded a very high number in expected goals (xG) - 3.65! Serbia number was just 1.34. Quite weirdly, Serbia were the favorites to win on the betting market – my fans and I sided with the Swiss who were clearly under-valued in this match – and this is the case once again here! The main reason must be that they do not have any super stars in the squad but it is - after all - the team effort that counts in football.

Let's remember that Switzerland defeated the second-best team in the world in my view - and reigning champions, France in the EURO 2020 play offs in the summer of 2021. Portugal, on the other hand, lost to Belgium in the first round of play offs 0-1. In the 2018 World Cup in Russia both teams lost in the first round of play offs. Furthermore, Portugal are in the 9th place in the FIFA ranking - Switzerland occupy the 15th place but I would rate them as the 13th-best team in the world at the moment. Surely they are better than for example Mexico or even Denmark who are ranked higher. Indeed, nothing suggests that Portugal would deserve to be clear favorites here. Portugal have the more skilled and creative individuals here but Switzerland are an extremely well-organized team who also seem to have a great team spirit and an excellent coach - better than Portugal in my view! The best player in the world some years ago, C. Ronaldo, seems to be a burden for Portugal at the moment and the majority of people of Portugal already think he should not be in the starting lineup.. this will most probably not happen though. Cristiano had very bad season in Manchester United before the club sacked him a few weeks ago after the interview he gave with a British journalist Piers Morgan criticizing the club, the coach Ten Haag and so on.. In my view Portugal's goal-scoring potential is not as good as many football fans or the betting market believe! Yes, they scored three goals against the somewhat unorganized Ghana defense but were not too great in this match. Portugal's penalty was also a "50-50 situation".. Indeed, many referees might not have given it..

Let's also not forget that Switzerland were quite good defensively against Brazil losing only 0-1 through Casemiro's goal in the 83th minute. Brazil did fully deserve the win but as the Swiss did not record any shots on goal. However, Brazil are clear favorites to win this tournament.. We all saw have stunningly good they were against S. Korea yesterday and could easily have scored 6-7 goals.. Even so, Switzerland challenged the Brazilians better than the Serbs did. Cameroon, of course, beat them 1-0 - with a lot of luck and Brazil's coach Tite also heavily rotated his squad in this match. Brazil only recorded 54% ball possession against the Swiss who managed to create four goal attempts - the same number as the Serbs did. Brazil's number against the Swiss was "only" nine against the Serbs it was 24! Furthermore, the Swiss defeated Cameroon 1-0 after not a stunningly good , but very solid performance! They can, and I believe still improve though - especially offensively - as Portugal are much better than Cameroon. The first half was somewhat balanced but in the second half the Swiss showed their class and scored the goal needed to win. It could easily have been 2-0.. They recorded 1.94 in xG – Cameroon's number was just 0.78. Portugal were quite good against disappointing Uruguay winning 2-0 but the final score flatters them. They did however, lose to S. Korea 1-2 after a lame performance - both teams recorded around 1.30 in xG. However, Santos did rotate his squad in this match as Portugal had already secured a spot in the play offs.






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