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The leader of the Italian championship is taking confident steps towards the title and they really act as a team that hardly anyone can stop in that campaign. Since they do not participate in any other competition, they have no reason to play differently than before in any game so far and thus jeopardize a certain advantage over their closest companion. They are equally dangerous at home and away, but they look especially scary when they play at their stadium. They have the same number of victories in the last 10 matches played, with a goal difference of 29 goals scored and 7 goals conceded. I don't think we should spend too many words on the contribution of Lukaku and Martinez, who have scored 34 goals so far. Coach Conte has finally started to give a chance to the great midfielder Eriksen, and he is reciprocating with better games from round to round. Of course, we must not forget the great game of defensive players at home, which allowed the guests only one goal in last five rounds. Today, they welcome the Sassuolo team at home.

The guests are in a satisfactory place in the middle of the table, without fear of slipping into the danger zone, and also without too much chance of being able to hope for Europe. They are known for not playing classic hard Italian football, but they like to compete with every opponent. Due to this way of playing, they have conceded at least two goals in each of the last five matches. This is exactly the style of play announced by their coach in today's game. But what needs special attention are the missing players. They have big problems with the absences of important players, both because of COVID and because of injuries from previous matches. First of all, I mean on great duo, who together scored 22 goals this season, Francesco Caputo and Domenico Berardi. Besides them, in this match, they will not be able to count on the help of the standard central back, Giammarco Ferrari. As for the away game, they can't boast of great results, because they have achieved only one victory in the last 5 away games, against the already written off Crotone.

Due to the fantastic form of the hosts and the big problems that the guests with absences have, I believe that Inter can come to a convincing and sure victory here and thus continue their way to the long-awaited title.


萨索洛排在积分榜中游的位置,处于令人满意的位置,不必担心掉入降级区,也没有太多希望拿到欧战的资格。他们不是经典的意大利球队的风格,他们喜欢与每个对手竞争。由于这种比赛方式,他们在最近五场比赛中至少都丢了两个球。这正是他们的教练在今天比赛中会使用的比赛风格。但是需要特别注意的是缺席的球员。由于新冠,对球队造成了伤害,他们缺少重要的球员,遇到了很大的问题。首先是出色的锋线组合弗朗切斯科·卡普托(Francesco Caputo)和多梅尼科·贝拉迪(Domenico Berardi),本赛季一共打进22球。除了他们,在这场比赛萨索洛还将缺少中后卫Giammarco Ferrari。他们在最近的5场客场比赛中只取得了一场胜利,对手是克罗托内。


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